The ascendancy of Digital Art in the 21st Century has been the result of a meeting at the crossroads of technological advances in computer science and the empowerment of the creative artistic mind.
The surreal and fantastical artworks are landscapes created of objects, organic substances and miniscule figures.


Revealing the Mastermind Behind the Art

About The Artist

Dr.Leo, a practicing psychiatrist, is also a notable 21st Century Digital artist, whose work incorporates images of organic substances, minerals and man-made items, which, intriguingly, are photographed on a micro-scale.

These micro-photos are the basis for elements in the surreal psychedelic worldscapes, often featuring cosmic backdrops and bizarre lifeforms, star-fields, galaxies, planets, moons and meteors. These images depict alien worlds in distant reaches of the Infinite Multiverse.

In a 2024, interview, Dr. Leo related an interesting explanation of the inspirational genesis for his surreal imagery.

In the 1990's, Dr. Leo's research in the psychiatric field led him to the work of of Russian psychiatrist Grenaddy Krokhalev.

Krokhalev's experiments were able to hypothesis that hallucinations are not a product of the mind, but realities that exist in our world or come from other dimensions.

Krokalev discovered that that during visual hallucinations, there is a reverse transmission of visual information via electrical impulses from the center of the brain's visual analyzer back to the retinas of the eyes.

This effect results in electromagnetic radiation of visualized images from the retina as imagery, making it possible to objectively register these images by photography.

The resulting photographs by Krokhalev are surreal and evocative of alternate realities. Dr. Leo was fascinated by the concept and its implications to philosophy and art.

Dr. Leo began to include these types of themes into his composited art and photography. He also began to include silhouetted forms of humans and animals in his worldscapes.

The results are a Psychedelic Journey into alternate realities and infinite possibilities.

Dr Leo employs those images as therapy working with his patients, the combination of the images of surreal worlds with the music helps people to move into alfa brain wave state that is critical for relaxation.

In the Alpha State, the brain produces the maximum important neurotransmitters which are needed to maintain a contented, relaxed mood.

The vivid images are evocative of many scenes: dreamscapes, alien worlds, portals to other dimensions and more.

The motives of the figures in the scenes have a mysterious ambiguity: Are they arriving or departing? Is this their home or are they travelers passing through? Their emotions are expressed only through their subtle, yet eloquent body language.

Artistic expression reveals themes liberated from the subconscious mind. The viewer often has a strange sense of Deja Vu - “I know this place – but that is impossible!” “Was this a dream or a nightmare?” An out-of-body experience?

“Psychedelic Journey” collection of the surreal images in the forefront of Fine Digital Artists now entering the marketplace of NFT investment.
As the appreciation of digital art matures and investors become connoisseurs of higher-end artistic expression.

“Psychedelic Journey” collection of the images can only increase in value, popularity and influence.




